Wednesday 3 June 2015

how to make clay that doesn't need to be baked

Today I am going to teach you how to make clay. This clay does not need to be baked. Here are some examples of actual sculptures made from clay:

What you will need
  • 2 cups of baking soda
  • 1 and 1/4 cup of water
  • 1 cup cornstarch
  • Mix the ingredients in a sauce pan, slowly add the water. Continue stirring the mixture while heating it over medium heat. (4-5 min) when it is almost as thick as play dough, the clay is done.
  • Remove from heat.
  • Pour mixture onto a clean surface.
  • Shape clay into figures
  • Let it dry and harden
  • Paint it (optional)

Monday 1 June 2015


Today I am going to teach you how to make origami out of paper. I am not going to explain the instructions in words, but in pictures because explaining would make it way more complicated for you to understand. I am going to teach you how to make Penguins, Giraffes, Swans, Birds, Parrots and  Gold Fish.
What you will need
  • Preferred coloured paper.

Saturday 30 May 2015


Today I am going to teach you how to make an abstract painting or drawing. Abstract is existing in thought or as an idea but not having physical or concrete existence. Wassily Kandinsky was the first to create an abstract portrait. Here are some examples of Abstract art:

What you will need
  • A canvas or paper.
  • Paint or markers.
  • Paintbrush (only if using paint)
  • On the canvas or paper, draw your design lightly in pencil.
  • Paint or colour the basic design in the marks from the pencil.
  • Then detail your picture with designs like the last picture.
Abstract can be about anything that you choose to do, anything you want it to be. I think of abstract as a way to express your feelings just like Picasso and his blue period and his rose period. 

Thursday 28 May 2015

DIY Paper Mache using a balloon

Today i am going to teach you how to make paper mache. Paper mache is made of paper or buttons that are glued together to make an object, usually a bowl. You don't necessarily have to use newspaper, you could use buttons, decorative paper, or even regular paper which could be painted.  Below are examples of Paper Mache:

What you will need

  • A bowl or large container.
  • Flour, Wallpaper powder or white glue.
  • Water.
  • A balloon for your base.
  • Paintbrush
  • Newspaper,Decorative paper, buttons ect...
  • Tear the newspaper into long strips.
  • With the paintbrush, mix the flour, wallpaper powder, or white glue in the bowl.
  • Blow up the balloon.
  • Dip the newspaper strips into the mixture.
  • Remove access mixture.
  • Lay the strip over the balloon.
  • Repeat the previous step till the balloon is covered
  • Leave it out to dry.
  • Pop the balloon
  • Paint it. (optional).

Wednesday 27 May 2015

DIY Mosaics

Today I am going to teach you how to make a Mosaic. A mosaic is a picture or decoration made of small, usually coloured pieces of inlaid glass, tile, marble.  They don't have to be made of these specific materials, you could also use buttons, beads, small pieces of wood, etc.  Anything you could get your hands on.  Below, is an example of a mosaic made of small pieces of tile and glass:

What you will need:
  •  A base.  Usually the base is made of wood or tile for a small project. Big projects ar usually on a wall.
  • Mosaic glue. DON'T USE REGULAR GLUE IF YOU ARE USING TILE! If you use regular glue, then the tile will fall. You can use  regular glue for small projects that include paper, felt plastic etc.
  • Grout.
  • Glaze. When you are done you glaze the project to make it smooth and shiny.
  • A spatula. To apply grout.
  • Select the material that you would like to use.
  • Pick a base.
  • Find a pattern you wish to make into a mosaic.
  • Start you pattern.
  • When finished, apply grout over your mosaic with a spatula.
  • Wait 20 mins, then wipe access grout off the surface.
  • Seal the mosaic with the glaze.